Become a fundamentally-sound web developer.

Do you feel like you're not fluent and confident with your problem-solving abilities? Do you feel like when you go on to build something, you get stuck?

Well, it's time to build your fundamentals.

Understand some of the most difficult concepts in programming with ease.

First of all, there's some irony in the last sentence. There's nothing such as 'difficult' — it's just the way resources explain stuff that it becomes difficult to understand.

The aim of Codeguage is to explain stuff with simplicity — because at the end of the day, that stuff is simple.

Examples? Check out the following:

Stop wasting your time finding answers to fundamental questions. Pick a resource that addresses those fundamental questions clearly to you, right at the start.

So is Codeguage for you?

Codeguage is perfect for you if...

  • you want rock-solid fundamentals
  • you want in-depth explanations
  • you want a resource that covers everything about a topic
  • you want a resource that's extremely well-structured
  • you are curious for why things are the way they are
  • you love to read books on programming (because I write in a book-like, textual format)
  • you feel that somewhere all resources out there are lacking something

Codeguage is NOT for you if...

  • you don't want rock-solid fundamentals
  • you don't want in-depth explanations
  • you want to save time and, therefore, prefer a resource that covers just this and that about a topic
  • you can give structure to stuff you learn yourself
  • you aren't really curious for why things are the way they are
  • you hate to read books on programming
  • you don't find anything wrong with all existing resources

The language of code is meticulously detailed and subtly nuanced.

So how to walk through these details effectively and be confident in exercising them in solving real-world problems?

Simple — using a detailed resource.

Here's the extent of the information covered on Codeguage (and it's increasing):

  • Duration

    7,533 mins

  • Paragraphs


  • Chapters


  • Exercises


  • Quizzes


"I created Codeguage to save you from falling into the same learning conundrums that I fell into."

Bilal Adnan, Creator of Codeguage

I run this platform solo (no team whatsoever), and work full-time on it to create something I wish I had when I was learning programming.

I have a long story of my own on how I got into programming and eventually started Codeguage. But the end goal for starting this platform, and its long-term mission, isn't that long to talk about: To save you from the learning traps I went through while learning programming.

So who exactly am I?

Hi! My name is Bilal, and I am a self-taught programmer, a fervent math enthusiast, a music lover and composer (creating stuff that only I listen to, on FL Studio 🙂), a pianist, a cooking specialist (don't know whether that's even a thing), and...that's it!

You can follow me on GitHub 👇

(Frankly speaking, I find it too difficult to be present on multiple platforms, and for the time being I am currently only on GitHub because I find it to be less noisy.)

Here's what others have to say.

Get to know about the amazing responses provided by people learning from Codeguage in a recently-conducted survey.

Stay connected with Codeguage

I try my best to remain consistent on Twitter (now known as X) in:

  • posting thoughts on different topics in programming and web development,
  • sometimes sharing GIFs and captioning them,
  • sharing behind-the-scenes stuff while I am making content,
  • occasionally providing you with tips,
  • putting links back to given content on Codeguage.

Begin your learning journey