Python Basics Quiz

Quiz 1 9 questions

Prerequisites for the quiz

  1. Python Basics

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9 questions to solve

  1. This quiz goes to full-screen once you press the Start button.
  2. At the end of the quiz, you are able to review all the questions that you answered wrong and see their explanations.
Python was created by...
Python was created by the Dutch computer scientist, Guido van Rossum, in 1991. Hence, the correct choice is (B). Read more at Introduction to Python.
Python was influenced by which of the following languages?
The language that influenced most of the syntax of Python was ABC. Read more at The history of Python. Hence the correct choice is (A).
How to output stuff in Python?
We use the print() function to output stuff in Python. This goes with choice (A). Read more details at Python Basics — printing stuff.
In the code below, what is the text 'Hello' called with respect to the function print()?
The stuff within the parentheses (( and )) in a function call is known as arguments of the function. In the code above, 'Hello' is an argument of print(). This goes with choice (B). Read more details at Python Basics — printing stuff.
Division in Python is done using which of the following symbols?
Division is represented by the forward slash symbol (/). Hence, the correct choice is (B).
What does
5 % 3
a % b returns the remainder of the operation a / b. The remainder of 5 / 3 is 2. Hence, the correct choice is (C).
In the following code, what is x called?
x = 10
x here is called a variable. It can hold any given value, and then subsequently be used in any expression instead of the value itself. For more details on variable, please refer to Python Basics — variables.
How to receive input from the user in Python?
The input() function is used to get input from the user. For more details on input(), please refer to Python Basics — getting input.
What is meant by string concatenation?
String concatenation refers to the act of joining two or more strings together into a bigger string. This goes with choice (B). For more details on string concatenation, please refer to Python Basics — working with strings.

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